kebenaran setengah-setengah bahasa Inggris
- kebenaran: approval; authenticity; permission; propriety;
- setengah-setengah: some; do things by halves; midway; halfway;
- setengah: a half; an a half; and a half; and half; half; semi; half-; semi-; between; part; remnant; other side; side; opposite; halfway; one-half
- setengah setengah: patchy; bumpy; inhomogeneous; patches
- setengah-setengah: some; do things by halves; midway; halfway; vaguely; mistily
- bekerja setengah-setengah: did a thing by halves; do a thing by halves; doing a thing by halves; done a thing by halves
- orang setengah-setengah: marginal man
- setengah mau setengah tidak: had half a mind to mind; have half a mind to mind; having half a mind to mind
- bayaran setengah: half the fee
- dua setengah: two and a half
- harga setengah: half price
- nada setengah: quaver; semi-quaver
- satu setengah: one and a half
- sementara setengah: whereas some
- setengah bola: hemispherical; semispherical
- I'm not going to sit here and listen to half-truths.
Aku tak mau duduk di sini mendengarkan kebenaran setengah-setengah